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体验 Wolf Palermo 单表上链器的优雅
这款Wolf Palermo 单表上链器源自其同名城市巴勒莫的魅力和精致,坐落在海边的山腰上,为您的手表收藏带来了意大利风情。
这款小巧时尚的手表上链器尺寸仅为 7.75 英寸(长)x 8 英寸(宽)x 9 英寸(高),非常适合放在您的办公桌、梳妆台或展示柜中。尽管尺寸小巧,但 Wolf Palermo 单表上链器功能强大。
Wolf Palermo 单表上弦器制作精美,可确保您的经典腕表随时可佩戴。它可让您的腕表保持上弦状态,随时可用,保持其品质并延长其使用寿命。
- 单表上弦器:非常适合那些珍视手表的人。上弦器可以精确地旋转您的手表,以保持其上弦准确。
- 存储:它不仅可以维护您手表的功能,而且还提供了安全而时尚的存储选择。
Wolf Palermo 单表上弦器结构精良,功能设计精良,是 Wolf 一贯品质的体现。它不仅仅是一个表上弦器,更是您对品质和优雅的欣赏。
Feature Overview
Premium Wolf Box
- Patented innovation - Every WOLF winder counts the precise number of rotations. All other winders estimate the number of rotations
- Rotation options: 10 second start delay. Can be set between 300 and 1,200 TPD (turns per day). Double the amount of TPD by selecting bi-directional setting
- Power reserve setting: 6 and 72 hours power reserve setting to accommodate watches with a power reserve, giving the watch time to release stored energy before the winding program begins.
- Directional settings: Clockwise, counter clockwise and bi-directional
- Cuff: Patented lock-in cuff ‘locks’ your timepiece into the rotator drum for a secure fit. Low density foam to accommodate all wrist sizes without putting pressure on your bracelet.
- Battery Option: Option to run the unit on AC power (universal adapter included) or D-Cell/Lithium batteries (not included).
- Storage: 1 winding module, 1pc watch storage, top jewelry compartment features 10 ring rolls and divided covered compartment. Side doors each hold 5 necklaces.
Shipping & Returns
- 以创纪录的时间发货 - 大多数订单在 24 小时内发货!
- 悉尼高效当日送达 - 结账时计算
- 澳大利亚境内的所有货物均需在交货时签名。
- DHL Express 可提供快速、安全的国际运输。
- 12 月 16 日前下单可享受圣诞节免费送货,12 月 21 日前下单可享受快递送货